Future Proof Me – Navigating Tech When You’re Not…
Welcome to our second Future Proof Me mini episode. These mini episodes will be uploaded in the weeks between our usual, longer interview and ‘How To’ episodes. They are designed to snappily share nuggets of ideas or insights to help us all thrive in future.
This week’s nugget is all about engaging with emerging technologies even when we are not ‘techie people’.
First you’ll hear from Martha Lane Fox, one of the UK’s most respected technology leaders and entrepreneurs. These days she has an illustrious board career, sits in the House of Lords, and she campaigns for responsible technology through her foundation, Doteveryone.
Martha shares great advice on positioning yourself in your career and how important it is to be curious about technology. She then goes on to talk about how, with the quickening pace of change, we need to be prepared to have multiple different careers.
Then we hear from the Artificial Intelligence expert, Kriti Sharma. She builds really practically on Martha’s point about learning about tech, and specifically talks about how we can all get more informed and familiar with the important topic of AI.
A humble request from us…if you are getting value out of what we’re sharing here at Don’t Stop Us Now! then why not be sure you don’t ever miss out and sign up here for our weekly email where we share advice, tips and, of course, info on our latest episode.
Enjoy this mini episode with Martha Lane Fox and Kriti Sharma.
Check Out the Full Interviews:
Martha Lane Fox – A Powerful Voice Where Few Women Are Heard
Other Resources of Interest
Dot Everyone Digital Understanding Resources
Elements of AI Course from the Finnish Government
Digital Unite – Technology Guides