Celebrating 6 Years: Epic Global Birthday Special
Holy Dooley – we are now 6 years old!!!
To celebrate this epic milestone for the show, we are taking the equivalent of a First Class Round the World ticket to hear from the most amazing, impactful and wise guests – all in this one episode!
From the UK’s House of Lords, to the woman who has been declared as being responsible for creating the most exciting constitutional democracy in the world.
From a global design icon and author to an internationally recognised and lauded Social Entrepreneur from Ethiopia. We hear from our very oldest (and wisest) guest at 92 and also our very youngest guest (mid 20’s) both on starting a business. And what different experiences they had some 70 years apart!
There’s so much in here it’s hard to summarise so just a few of the things you will hear include:
- Advice from a non techy tech veteran on how all of us can, and need to, become meaningfully involved in tech
- How the world’s first non binary Government Minister and the world’s most recognised leader of enhancing democracy against authoritarianism, Audrey Tang, thinks about her role
- How a seasoned entrepreneur and philanthropist in the Americas believes women need to advocate much more strongly for themselves when it comes to negotiating;
- What to think about before you start your side hustle or startup; and
- We hear from Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Jennifer Aaker and her co-author colleague, Naomi Bagdonas, on how important it is for us all to lighten up a little.
Our aim is that this celebration episode will brighten and lighten your day.
So without further ado wish us Happy Birthday and enjoy this blockbuster episode!
Useful Links
Trailer for feature documentary ‘Good Enough Ancestor’ about Audrey Tang
Curious to learn more? Check out our full interviews with our featured guests:
Full episode with Martha Lane Fox
Full episode with June Dally Watkins
Full episode with Brukty Tigabu
Full episode with Margarita Herdocia
Full episode with Sophia Athas