Future Proof Me – Future Proofing Your Skills
This week’s mini episode focuses on staying current with your skills in the fast changing world of work. Something that’s relevant for all of us given the pace of technology change!
In this episode, we hear from drone and tech expert, Dr Catherine Ball, whom we featured on the show about a year and a half ago. She’s a real dynamo and a passionate believer in accessible lifelong learning.
Cath is a strong believer in how important it is for corporates and individuals to think about re-training in order to keep up with where technology is taking us all. Plus she shares some great resources as well and you can see links to those below.
Our take is this: don’t get overwhelmed with the full spectrum of change that’s happening in technology, take it one SMALL chunk at a time. Think about what one new skill or piece of knowledge would be most useful for you right now in your current role to help you to continue to grow and progress? Then find a short course or expert you can learn from – it might be as simple as a free 2 hour course.
Cath also shares great advice on how networking and linking in with industry associations to help you learn and make your next career step.
So what are you waiting for? Enjoy this mini episode.
Useful Links
Kaggle (free cyber security and coding courses online)
Harvard University’s Introduction to Computer Science, EdX
Learn to Code by Dash, General Assembly
Email Marketing Crash Course, Hubspot
How to Start a StartUp with Sam Altman at Stanford University
Product Design by Google, Udacity
Competitive Strategy, Coursera – uses game theory