Planning your 2022? Claire and Greta Jam their Plans
Our first episode for 2022 explores different ways of thinking about your year ahead. You’ll hear us have a candid and informal conversation about how we’re individually thinking about our own plans and aspirations, and how to make them happen.
You may be surprised at just how different our approaches are!
You’ll learn why Greta thinks getting really granular with her time management is what she needs this year to reach her goals, while Claire is focusing on her key priorities and planning around those.
We plan to make more conversational and ‘unplugged’ episodes like this one so please let us know what you think or if you disagree! We always love to hear from you.
P.S. If you’re really hungry for more content on planning your year then also check out our episode from 2020 called How to Have a Great Year.
Useful Links
Google researchers discuss the rise in searches related to changing priorities
Brene Brown interview with James Clear
Jonathan Fields podcast – Good Life Project
If you’re planning your year in earnest you might like to listen to one of our previous episodes – How to have a great year