Mouna Aouri – Supporting Female Entrepreneurs to Realise their…
Can you believe it? Almost three years ago we started this podcast and now we’re excited to be releasing this, our 100th episode!
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This week’s 100th episode features a woman who has a pretty incredible story. Her name is Mouna Aouri and she’s a Tunisian who started out as a bridge engineer, including working for 7 years in Japan. (And Japan is NOT an easy place for women to work!)
After running a successful business in her home country of Tunisia, Mouna now works in Singapore with Beacon Fund which is investing in female entrepreneurs in South East Asia. Not only that, she launched and runs her own online community supporting women entrepreneurs called ‘Woomentum’.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Why Mouna left Tunisia to build bridges in Japan
- How her successful business and life was turned upside down by the Arab Spring uprising
- How, after losing her identity as a new Mum in a new country, she picked herself up and turned her experience into a business supporting other women; and
- The common mistakes female entrepreneurs make and how to overcome them.
Mouna is very open and vulnerable about the difficult time she encountered trying to reinvent herself and her career in a new country and as a new Mum, and her story of how she bounced back is really inspiring.
So why not grab yourself a yummy slice of ‘100th episode cake’ 😂 and enjoy this episode!
Useful Links
Woomentum – community Mouna founded to support female entrepreneurs
Beacon Fund – funding female entrepreneurs in Asia Pacific
Link to the Woomentum Research Mouna mentioned – The Path to Success: How Women-owned Business Transform in the Era of Digitalization