Recipe for Resilience and Growth – Dr Jacinta Jiménez
Here we are halfway through the year and if you’re anything like the amazing people we work with in our programs and coaching, many of you are feeling like it’s been a real slog.
Combine that with what’s going on in the world, and with the fact that hybrid working can make you feel more isolated and alone, we thought it timely to invite back on the show a very popular guest who happens to be a Stanford-trained psychologist, burnout expert, award winning author, and an amazing executive leadership coach, Dr Jacinta Jiménez.
We last featured Dr Jacinta on the show shortly after her award winning book, The Burnout Fix was published. Because we’re now seeing more, not less, burnout these days we’re so happy we were able to secure a window in Jacinta’s diary to hear the latest on wellbeing and taking care of ourselves and our teams at work.
You’ll hear:
- How Dr Jacinta herself has had to come back from multiple operations including neurosurgery just last December which led to her having an unplanned stint in ICU
- Her take on the importance of giving ourselves time to reflect, integrate and recuperate, whether we’ve been sick or not
- How you’re not alone in feeling isolated as Dr Jacinta calls out a ‘Connection Crisis’ happening to us all,
- And the practical things you can do if you’re feeling stretched too thin or burnt out
Enjoy this enriching conversation with the wise and compassionate Dr Jacinta Jiminez.
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