How to Change Your Career
Welcome to our latest How To episode!
We’ve had numerous people ask us recently if now is the right time to change jobs or even careers. It got us both thinking and before you knew it, we had a new ‘How To’ ready to go!
In this episode we explore why you might want to change careers, when is the best time to change careers, and finally how you go about changing career. We also explain what we mean by ‘changing careers’ versus simply changing jobs.
You’ll hear step-by-step examples of how both Claire and Greta have each changed their careers. (Hint – we’ve had a fair bit of practise!)
Plus you’ll also learn:
- The key timing and financial considerations you need to take in to account before you change careers
- Why we think now is a time to be cautious and conservative before leaving your current job
- Advice from a resume expert on how to change industries (a potentially common scenario for people working in COVID-affected industries such as Travel and Hospitality right now)
- Examples of how to think ‘outside the box’ to make that career change easier
- And a checklist of things to consider and plan for.
So without further ado, enjoy this ‘How To’ episode on changing careers …