Future Proof Me – When Money’s Stopping You Changing…
Brought to you by Microsoft’s The New Next
In this week’s Future Proof Me mini episode we explore one aspect of a topic we’ve been asked a lot about this year. That topic is career transition and today we dive a little deeper on one thing that can be a major consideration for some, and that’s their financial security.
Particularly in this time of COVID, it’s understandable if you’re giving extra thought to your finances. Of course it’s not everything, but it’s a really interesting topic because sometimes it can be hard to think purely rationally about money and one’s medium term financial security.
It’s why this mini episode revisits the refreshing and calm, practical thinking of one of our former guests, Katie Vanneck-Smith. Katie chose to leave her high paying job as President of Dow Jones in New York to co-found a media startup called Tortoise in the UK.
You’ll hear about the thought process she went through to work out whether she could afford to make this change and still support her family. And how she’s scaled back the parties she’s famous for!
Plus, at the end you’ll also hear Claire and Greta briefly each share their stories about how they considered one of their own career transitions.
Enjoy this mini episode.
Useful Links
Katie Vanneck-Smith full episode – Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History
Katie on Linkedin
Katie on Twitter