How to Make Career Decisions
Career decisions can be tricky things can’t they? Often they can be some of the most stressful decisions we make; decisions such as: ”Should I say yes to this project or transfer?” Or “Should I stay in my job or should I go?”
These times come to nearly all of us . . . unless you’re the Queen of course who’s just reached her 70th year anniversary in her job! Can you imagine that?
Our How To episode this week explores all that’s involved in making great career decisions and with a lot less stress. Huge apologies to Her Majesty as we know this probably isn’t the episode for her 😁.
In this episode you’ll hear us share:
- Traps we can fall into when searching for the right answer,
- What to do when you have multiple options to choose from,
- How to make sure you’re not leaving for the wrong reasons,
- And, a simple process and lots of practical ideas for your next big decision.
As Tony Robbins says, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
Enjoy this episode!
Useful Links
Adam Grant’s new book ‘Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know’
Article on ‘Why you need a Challenge Network’
Daniel Kahneman’s great book – ‘Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow’
A past episode of ‘Don’t Stop Us Now!’ you might also like ‘How to Feel Less Stuck in Your Job’